
Dear friends,

On Tuesday, June 13, Westbrook residents will vote in the annual school budget referendum. The FY2024 budget was developed over the course of several months during a great many public meetings. Totaling $ 47,195,608.13, the Westbrook School Department’s budget  was unanimously adopted by the School Committee on April 12 and approved by the City Council as part of the Municipal budget on May 15.  This represents a 7.5% increase in spending year over year. The increase recognizes several challenges, including a loss in state funding of $385,460 and a projected loss of federal funding of $135,671 as well as the rising costs of materials, utilities, fuel, and insurance premiums, and contractual salary and wage increases for employees. All budget requests were thoroughly reviewed with attention to both student needs and our fiscal responsibility to our community. We appreciate the citizens who participated in the process by attending or viewing meetings, accessing documents on the website, and sending comments and questions.

The budget addresses the complex needs of our school community and the students we serve.  The annual State of the Schools report, available on the school department website, offers a snapshot of our changing community. To address these needs, the budget includes two additional special education teachers, two new multilingual teachers, an additional art teacher, and an additional social worker. It also includes a Director of Adult Education to address our developing programs and increasing number of adult learners as well as staff to support our Finance, Transportation, and Human Resources Departments. It maintains academic and extracurricular programs and provides resources to address learning, behavioral, and social development. These all represent real needs that have been prioritized and are aligned with our strategic priorities and our mission, One Promise: The best education for all, for life. 

Please go to the Community Center to vote on Tuesday, June 13. Polls are open 6am-8pm. For more information about the school budget and the school department, visit our website at Thank you for your support of our students and the Westbrook Schools!

Take care, and be strong!

Peter Lancia, Ph. D. , Superintendent of Schools