Dear Friends,
I hope you are well and have been enjoying this remarkable autumn season. What a gift, especially since much different weather will be coming soon. Today’s change in temperature was a bit of shock! I am writing to remind you of some important upcoming events. Check the new Westbrook School Department website, app, and Thursday Folders for more information.
You may have seen some of our high school students working at the polls when you voted today. What a great way for them to learn about and participate in the democratic process first hand while supporting their community!
Family-School Conferences are being held throughout the month. If you have not yet scheduled your appointment to meet with your child’s teachers, please do so. Meetings can be held in person, on Google Meets, and by phone. We look forward to talking with you about your child’s progress! Some schools are holding book fairs this week as well. It's a great time to stock up on good things to read.
On Monday, November 14, there will be Community Conversation about Social Media at 6pm at the WMS cafeteria. There will be a brief presentation about social media use and children/youth, followed by a discussion. Hope to see you there!
Also on November 14, the National Honor Society at WHS is holding a blood drive. Thank you to advisor Bill Chabot and NHS members for organizing this service along with the American Red Cross.
Come to WPAC on Thursday, November 17 at 6pm for the Mad Science Holiday Spectacular! This is an event for the whole family and is free of charge. This event is brought to us by our elementary school Title I programs.
Thursday, November 10 is a half day of school for students. Dismissal times are as follows:
WMS: 10:15am
WHS: 10:30am
Canal, Congin, Saccarappa: 11:30am
There is no school on Friday, November 11 in recognition of Veterans’ Day. Please join me in thanking and honoring the people in our schools, families, and community who proudly served our country in military service.
Take care, and be strong!
Peter Lancia, Superintendent of Schools